Dampers - two choices for energy savings and chimney protection
Lyemance Top Sealing Damper
broken, or leaky dampers cost homeowners hundreds of dollars
a year. Independent laboratory tests show the Lyemance
Top-Sealing Damper eliminates as much as 90% of the air
loss of a traditional damper. Its super tight rubber gasket
seal keeps cold air out. Lyemance Top-Sealing Dampers
have been a popular energy saving choice for homeowners
for years.
"OPC" Damper with Cap
OPC is a great Top-Sealing Damper tucked inside a sturdy
chimney cap. The damper provides a tight seal against
cold air and the cap keeps rain and unwanted critters
out of your chimney and home. No wonder Lyemance is the
leading damper/cap combination on the market.